Vietnamese singer collaborates with Adele’s musical director

Singer Hoang Quyen invited Tim Van Der Kuil, Adele’s guitarist and musical director, to participate in the production of her newly-released album “A Diary of Melody.”

Quyen said she never imagined that she would ever have a chance to work with music producers of the world’s top divas, but that came true with the help of Vietnamese-Australian singer-songwriter Thanh Bui’s entourage.

“I wrote a long letter [to Van Der Kuil] expressing how I admired him and how I wanted a collaboration between an European and an Asian musician on my album,” the Vietnamese singer-songwriter said at a press conference on Wednesday.

“I also told him about myself, an Asian singer who was composing and producing my own album for the first time.”

Quyen added that Van Der Kuil replied to her almost instantly, accepting her invitation.

According to Quyen, the London-based Abbey Road Studios, one of the world’s most famous music studios, was also part of the mastering process for her album.

“Working with the world’s top musicians was a great experience that helped me broaden my knowledge and get more inspiration,” Quyen said.

Quyen, 31, was the runner-up of the 2012 Vietnam Idol contest. She has received much acclaim for her rare voice timbre from music critics and audiences.

“A Diary of Melody,” Quyen’s fourth studio album, consists of eight songs, which were selected from 30 compositions.

It took Quyen three years to complete the album, which serves as an ambitious turning point with a switch from pop singer to singer-songwriter.

Van Der Kuil, 54, is Adele’s guitarist and musical director. He has worked with Adele since her “Adele Live” tour in 2011. Prior to his collaboration with the English singer, he had worked with Sia, Jason Mraz, Taylor Swift, Robbie Williams, and Mark Ronson.

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